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Dynamic Portfolio Benchmark

Dynamic Portfolio Benchmark

The Dynamic Portfolio Benchmarks are designed to graphically represent the real-time cumulative sum of timing signals generated from customer portfolios.

Initially, Dynamic Portfolio Benchmarks will extend coverage of the Dynamic Market Timing Indices to customer portfolios or baskets and will include a probability-based risk assessment, coupled with our optimal exposure calculator.

Dynamic Portfolio Benchmarks will include:

Dynamic Time Portfolio Benchmark – Cumulative sum of timing signals from base index member constituents based on monthly, weekly, and daily timeframes.

Dynamic Time Composite Ratio – Cumulative sum of buy timing signals divided by the cumulative sum of sell timing signals, calculated from monthly, weekly, and daily timeframes.

Dynamic Time & Price Portfolio Composite – A complete time-and-price-adjusted index, forecasting the projected future base index performance.

For further information, please e-mail us at or visit our Contact page.

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